Saturday, November 19, 2011

Just a snippet...

I went to a YELP party tonight and it was so much fun.... but I can't write about that until after I write about the T-Mobile event that I went to on Thursday.  Hopefully, I will get around to writing up both events tomorrow. 

I didn't get nearly enough done today, but I did get the one thing I HAD to do done, so there's that.

Funny thing.... I came home last night (Friday) and there was a note on my stove from the maintenance guy saying that my light over the stove was fine.  SOMEHOW, "the light fixture in the den" got translated to "the light over the the kitchen..."  which makes me want to research some Spanish to see if any of those words are even SIMILAR.  I wrote out a maintenance request (even though I REALLY don't want them back in here) that was basically written just one step up from "Me, Tarzan... You, Jane" as far as simplicity so maybe they'll actually get into the correct room and do what needs to be done. Not counting on it or holding my breath, though.

Got a couple more things to do before bed and then a busy day tomorrow.  Have a stellar night, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining my Planet Weidknecht weekend hop! I'm a new follower! Thanks for posting my button!
