Sunday, November 13, 2011

Looks like it is going to be another one of those weeks where I am obnoxiously busy.  Monday and Friday look like pretty clear evenings (for now) but Tuesday I have a writer's meet-up, Wednesday I am going to do my shift with the kitties for the cat rescue and Thursday I have a class during the day and then I have a blogger gathering in the evening that I am looking forward to very much.  I also have to remember to get things ready for an errand I need to run this weekend. At the moment, I really have nothing planned for the weekend, but things are sortve "in flux" right now at home so we shall see what ends up happening.

There is a fly in the apartment and it is driving me CRAZY.  It never seems to land so I don't even have the opportunity to smack it. 

I am caught up on my NaNo novel writing. I am still not convinced that this is going to be a decent read. It's going to need a ton of editing.  I am hoping that maybe if I manage to get it into Y-Writer, I can organize the thoughts a little better.

It's funny, I was supposed to get $250 off my rent in December for signing a new lease but I just looked at my lease and the "concession" as they call it was not written into the lease.  Not that I am surprised.  I am hoping to be able to move next year but am thinking that it will probably be the year after next.

I got some bath fizzies made today.  I need to get some more molds.  Or I need to sell enough fizzies to get a neato gadget that I found ($100). 

I suppose that right now, though, I need to get to bed!


  1. We all end up staying up too late although with me it is every night. I am lucky to be in bed by 4 am. Stopped by from Sunday's blog hop and followed thru GFC. I would love a follow back when you get the chance. Thanks so much and have a great week!


  2. Can you write a blog about your blogger gathering?

  3. @LGalaviz - Oh yes, I will certainly write about the blogger gathering! Assuming I don't die of sleep deprivation before then.
